Riverview Behavioral Health is the most trusted marijuana abuse treatment center for men, women, and children in Texarkana, AR. We craft unique treatment plans for our patients to provide long-term success in recovery.
Marijuana Abuse Treatment
Learn more about marijuana abuse treatment at Rivervew Behavioral Health Hospital in Texarkana, AR
Marijuana, which is commonly referred to as pot, grass, weed, and reefer is made up of dried stems, flowers, and leaves of the Cannabis sativa hemp plant. This drug can be used by rolling the mixture into papers, what is referred to as a joint, and smoking it like a cigarette. Others smoke pot by using a pipe or a bong. Sometimes individuals mix marijuana into food such as brownies and eaten in order to obtain desired effects.
Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug and is used more often among younger adults and adolescents. Prolonged marijuana use can lead to an inability of and individual to stop using pot despite the negative consequences that it is causing in their life.
At Riverview we understand what you are going through and how your addiction to marijuana may be causing a significant amount of problems in your life. Maybe you feel completely helpless, wondering if you will be able to ever give up this horrible habit. We want you to know that there is hope and you can have a future free from the grasps of pot. The Staff at Riverview will do everything they can to help you be successful in your recovery process and get back to living your life drug free.
Why Consider Treatment
Why consider treatment for marijuana abuse at Rivervew Behavioral Health Hospital in Texarkana, AR
Right at this very moment you may be at a loss for how to get control of your life back. You may feel that you have been using pot for so long that there is no way that you will ever be able to stop. However, if your marijuana use continues it will only create more difficulties for you. You may have become socially isolated from friends and family because they no longer want to see you continue to harm yourself with drugs. Your lack of motivation may have caused you to lose your job or have to drop out of school. If continued for a long period of time marijuana can begin to affect your health, causing such issues as respiratory infections and lung problems.
The superb staff at Riverview Behavioral Health is dedicated to provide individualized care to each patient that needs our care. We make sure that all patients and their families are treated with the utmost dignity and respect. You will never be judged or seen as a weak individual, you have made the most important step by reaching out to us for help. We will work with you throughout the entire process as you learn the coping skills and abilities necessary to maintain a happy, healthy, and sober lifestyle.
Our Philosophy
Rivervew Behavioral Health Hospital philosophy and benefits
At Riverview Behavioral Health, we know that you are much more than your symptoms of your addiction. We use a holistic approach that treats you as a whole person. Our dedicated treatment team, comprised of doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, therapists, and supportive staff will get to know you as a person so that they can form a treatment plan that will work best for you, ensuring that you have a successful recovery. We know how hard it can be to get your addiction under control, we are ready to help you fight your battle with substance abuse so that you can get back to your life.
Types of Treatment
Types of marijuana abuse treatment offered at Rivervew Behavioral Health Hospital in Texarkana, AR
When you first arrive at Riverview you will undergo a complete medical and psychological assessment in order for your treatment team to decide upon the most appropriate level of care. Our medical examination will determine how dependent your body has become on the substances you have been abusing as well as any medical complications that may have come about. The psychiatric evaluation will allow us to determine how psychologically addicted you’ve become on these substances and allow us to see if you’re struggling with any untreated co-occurring disorders. Information from these initial assessments will be used to compose a treatment plan.
Medication may be used at the beginning of your stay with us in order to help manage symptoms of any co-occurring disorders you may be experiencing or to help reduce the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Medication may be slowly tapered down as you learn more effective coping skills and eventually may be completely discontinued. Other people may find that they need long term medication management in order to manage any co-occurring disorders. Medication and medication management will be based upon recommendations by your treatment team.
At Riverview we believe that one of the best ways to work through some of the challenges you face with your marijuana addiction is to participate in group therapy. Groups allow for others to bond with one another and support others who are going through similar issues. This additional support allows our patients to heal and grow together.
Family therapy is an important form of treatment for someone who is trying to overcome an addiction to pot. We make sure to incorporate your family in all aspects of the treatment process from the initial assessment all the way to discharge planning. Family sessions are used to provide a safe setting where individuals can openly discuss their feeling about the addiction problem and how it has affected their lives. Additionally, they will be able to learn more about what addiction is and what they can do to help the recovery process.
Continuing Care
Continuing care and levels of treatment for marijuana abuse
When you have completed the inpatient program here at Riverview we will work closely with you to establish an after care plan that will provide you with continuity of care. Some people find that they still need a structured environment so they decide to discharge to a program such as a residential treatment center. Others may opt to join an intensive outpatient program such as a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) or Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). These programs provide some level of structure, but still allow an individual to get back to their daily lives. If you’re discharging home, we’ll set you up with referrals to outpatient therapy centers as well as connections to community resources available to you.